Pearl of Wisdom

'Know that you shall pass the Path [Sirat], its slippery way, its fearful slides and its intermittent horrors.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Sermon 83

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Question : #429 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: is masturbation allowed here?
Question: A man cannot impregnate [sterile] and asks the doctor to determine the reason for his sterility through an examination of his sperm. The emission (of such semen) is obtained by the use of an instrument attached to his genitals and, by its movements, causes a discharge. Is this to be considered as masturbation and thus forbidden, or is it allowed for the purpose of the examination? And does it matter whether the patient is in difficulty or is acting out of necessity?
Answer: Yes, it is considered as masturbation. It is not allowed unless the examination requires it. It is equally so for reliance upon that except under the previous two situations [difficulty and necessity], assuming, as does your question that some definitive result can be determined from it. Allah knows best.
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