Pearl of Wisdom

'The wise man is almost a prophet.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 44123

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Question : #427 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: Donating organs
Question: As a Muslim, can we A: Donate any organs once announced dead? B: Can we be a recipient of someone else’s organs?
Answer: A: As a measure of precaution it is not recommended to cut an organ of a dead Muslim even if he bequathed. It becomes permissible only when the life of another Muslim depdnds on this as an absolute necessity.

B: An organ extracted from a body is ritually impure (najis) irespective of wheather it came from a Muslim or non-Muslim.
But as mentioned above in A, a Muslim may be a recipient of an organ extract if the life depends on it.

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