Pearl of Wisdom

my servant is my own two hands; my riding beast is my two feet, my bed is the earth, my pillow is a rock, my warmth in the winter is the east of the earth.... I sleep and I do not possess anything, and I wake up and I do not possess anything, but there is no one on the face of this earth richer than me.'

Prophet Jesus [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 14, p. 239, no. 17

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Question : #426 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Rules of Sajada
Question: assalamu-alaikum
If we dont have anything to do sajda then can we do on our hand....?
if no then please tell where to do sajda?
Answer: Turbatul Husayn is the best thing for performing Sajdah.

After it, there are earth, stone, grass, asphalt or tar, tahir cloths, and back of hand in order of priority.
Follow Up
can you please provide the exact hierachy of doing sajda. I know that the turbah is first and foremost. but after this, what is the order ? unless the order is already provided in the previous answer above.

thank you
Follow Up Response
Yes, the hierarchy is as stated:
1. Turbah
2. Earth
3. Stone
4. Grass
5. Asphalt / Tar
6. Tahir Cloths
7. Back of hand.


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