Pearl of Wisdom

It is incumbent upon the Imam to imprison the reckless from among the scholars, the ignorant from among the physicians, and the bankrupt from among the lease-holders.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kitab man la yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 3, p. 31, no. 3266

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Question : #420 Category: Hajj & Umrah
Subject: Forbidden acts of Ihram
Question: Salam Sheikh,
I just returned back from the glorious journey of Hajj, and wish to know hat are the forbidden acts during Ihram?
Answer: InshaAllah your Hajj be accepted.

For your question, these acts are all forbidden during your Ihram phase:

1. Hunting
2. Sexual union, Kissing a woman, Touching a woman, Looking at a woman and flirting with her, Masturbating, Reciting nikah,
4. Wearing perfume, Wearing sewn clothes by men, Wearing antimony (surma)
5. Looking in the mirror, Wearing shoes, slippers or socks.
6. Outrage (Fusouq), Quarreling
7. Killing insects found on humans, [such as lice]
8. Beautifying oneself, Applying oil, Removing hair from the body, Covering the head, for males, or dipping ones body in water, even for females.
9.Covering of the face by females.
10. Sheltering in the shaded places or males
11. Bleeding ones body, Cutting nails, Extracting tooth, according to some scholars.
12. Carrying arms

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