Pearl of Wisdom

'Whoever thinks that he is superior to someone else is himself of the arrogant.' Abu Hafs Ibn Ghiyath said, 'I asked him: [What if] one sees that they are superior in their being good when they see others committing sins?' The Imam said, 'Far from it, far from it! For may be he has been forgiven for what he has done and whilst you will be stopped and held accountable. Have you not read the story of the magicians of [the time of] Moses (AS) in the Qur'an?'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. v. 8, p. 128, no. 98

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Question : #417 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: fingering during sex
Question: Salams
if a finger is inserted in men/women during sex n no intercourse done do they need to take ghusl n also fingering is allowed???
Answer: Husband and wife are allowed to stimulate each other through techniques as mentioned to increase muwada/love for each other.

Ghusal would be required when sexual intercourse has taken place (man entering the woman) or/and discharge of semen.
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Pls let me know whether Ghusl is required if finger is inserted in women without having actual sex

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