Pearl of Wisdom

regarding a group of people who used to delay from praying [in congregation] in the mosque [praying instead in their own houses], 'A people who neglect to pray in the mosque almost become deserving of having firewood piled at their doors and set alight so that their houses burn down on them.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Wasa'il al-Shi'a, v. 3, p. 478, no. 2

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Question : #407 Category: Holy Qur'an
Subject: Difference of K and Q of K-Quran
Question: AA, what would be the difference in the meaning of the word Quran spelt with K and Q. As KORAN and as QURAN?Thank you.
Answer: All spelling is a matter of convention; there is no such thing as a correct spelling.

In English, the Arabic /q/ and /k/ are both adequately signaled by English K. In German the spelling is still Koran, and in French they prefer Coran. In archaic English the preferred term was apparently Alcoran, based on Arabic al-qur'aan the Koran, occasionally leading to the solecism the Alcoran.

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