Pearl of Wisdom

in his description of this world, 'The world is the abode of exhortation for he who accepts from it...The world reminds them and so they remember, and it speaks to them so they believe, and it exhorts them so they accept its exhortation.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. Saying 131

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Question : #403 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: different Shia Schools of Thought
Question: Salaam 'Alaykum,

I have heard that there are two schools of thought in relation to Taqlid - The Akhbari School and the Usooli School of thought. Can you please explain each in detail, including the history of each and what our Mujtahideen's opionion is on each of these.

Thank You
Answer: Both Schools are considered as part of the Twelvers Shia and they believe in the 14 Infallible.

The major difference between Akhbari and Usuli is that the former reject the use of following a Marja who adopt and exercise ijtihad - reasoning in jurisprudence rules.

The Usuli are a majority in terms of number of followers since the late 200 or so years, and since the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Usuli School has dominated and gained popularity over the Akhbari's.

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