Pearl of Wisdom

Abstain from harming others for this is your charity towards yourself.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 75, p. 54, no. 19

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Question : #382 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: government intervention
Question: Some governments are committed to providing housing for the needy under specific circumstances. Is it permissible for a Muslim to buy a house in which he resides for a short time (so that he will not be liable for khums [on that house]), and then he gives it out on rent so he can then go and live in a house subsidized by the government?
Answer: Khums is not waived from a house just by living in it for a short while without actually being in need of it, as has been presumed in the question.
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Ho ho, who wuodla thunk it, right?

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