Pearl of Wisdom

'The one who covets is wretched and miserable.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 7723

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Question : #380 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: entering state of junub
Question: When does a man or a woman get Jonub?
Answer: A person enters the state of Janabat in two ways:

1: Sexual intercourse

2: Discharge of semen, while sleeping or when awake, little or more, with lust or otherwise, voluntarily or involuntarily.

When one cannot ascertain whether the fluid emitted from one's body is semen, urine or something else, it will be treated as semen if it is thrown out with lust and if the body is slackened. If all or some of these signs are not present the fluid will not be treated as semen. In the case of illness, the fluid may not come out with sudden swiftness and the body may not slacken; but if the emission takes place with lust, it will be treated as semen.

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