Pearl of Wisdom

Whoever visits me away from my homeland, I will come to him on the Day of Resurrection in three different places to save him from their terrors: when the records of deeds will be handed out to the left and right, at the Sirat [the bridge stretching over Hell] and at the Balance [when deeds will be weighed upl.'

Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha [as]
Ibid. p. 255, no. 2

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Question : #377 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: looking with clean niyah
Question: Can I look at a girl whom I intend to marry in the future? I mean can I look at her body in order to see if she is suitable for me or not? There is a probabality that if I like her, I mighy marry her.
Answer: If there is a probability that you will marry her, you can look at her only once.

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