Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily Allah revealed to the world, 'Tire and wear out the one who serves you, and serve the one who serves me you.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. v. 77, p. 54, no. 3

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Question : #376 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Praying with leather product
Question: If I pray with a leather belt or a wallet made from leather of a mayta and realize it during the salat or after finishing it but before the end of its time span or after the ending of its time span-what would become of that prayer?
Answer: The prayer with a wallet made from leather of a mayta is valid just as it is acceptable to pray with a belt made from such a leather, provided that the probability of it being from zabiha is not a very low probability that would be ignored by sensible people.

In the second case [of very low probability], if he was ignorant [of this rule] and realized during salat, he should take it off immediately and his salat would be valid. The same rule would apply if he forgot [that he had the wallet or the belt on him] and remembered during salat, provided that his forgetfulness was not a result of carelessness and indifference. In other cases, he will have to repeat salat in time or qadha as a matter of obligatory precaution.

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