Pearl of Wisdom

from the wise sayings attributed to him said, 'Command the young with arguing and debating, the adult with thought, and the elder with silence.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Sbarb Nahj al-Baldgba, v. 20, p. 285, no. 260

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Question : #373 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Friday prayers and Zohr link?
Question: Does performing Friday (jumuah) prayer compensate for noon (zuhr) prayer or not?
Is Friday prayer superior to the noon prayer?
Answer: Performing Friday prayer in such a way that all appropriate conditions are fulfilled, according to the shariah, is superior to performing noon (prayer).

If the mukallaf performs it (Friday prayer) as such, then it (Friday prayer) replaces it (zuhr).

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