Pearl of Wisdom

The food of Jesus was broad beans until he was taken up [by Allah], and Jesus never ate anything that had been changed by fire [i.e. cooked] until he was taken up.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 32357

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Question : #358 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: marriage enquiry, allowed?
Question: My mother has remarried to a man about ten years ago, he is therefore obviously not my biological father. Is this man mahram for my wife according to ayatullah seestani and also what is the ruling from other ulema on the same level?
Answer: All Ulama say that as he is not your real father, he is not a Mahram for your wife. He is a Mahram to your sisters (if you have a sister) because he has married your mother, but he is not a Mahram to your wife at all.

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