Pearl of Wisdom

'Too much wealth corrupts the hearts and produces sins.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 7109

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Question : #356 Category: Sale / Purchase
Subject: paying less then advertised
Question: If a you used to take the bus and there was a specific amount of money that the driver would ask for but instead of paying that amount of money you used to secretly pay less is there something that you should do?

Also if there were bus tickets purchased and on the those tickets it gives a specific age that the person can use this until but what if you went over that age limit and used it is there something that you should dokaffara etc..?
Answer: Muslim should be always faithful and truthful in dealings and avoid wrong doing.

Remember, "...for Allah ever watches over you" (4:1)

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