Pearl of Wisdom

The right of the one who trains you in knowledge is to magnify him, to revere his sessions, to listen to him attentively, and to pay attention to him with devotion. You should not raise your voice to him, nor answer a question that someone has asked him about something, so that he will be the one to answer. You should not address anyone else in his session, nor backbite anyone in his presence. You must defend him if anyone ever speaks ill of him in your presence, conceal his faults and publicise his virtues. You should not sit in the company of his enemy, nor be hostile towards his friend. If you fulfil this right, Allah's angels bear witness that you frequented him and learned from his knowledge for the sake of Allah, exalted be His Name, and not for the sake of people.'

Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al-'Abidin [as]
al-Khisal, p. 567, no. 1

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Question : #350 Category: Divorce / Talaq
Subject: marriage, family issue - please help
Question: A sayyada female who got married 5 years back is not living with her husband since last 3 years and her husband is also not providing her any money since last 3 years for her basic expenses. She is also rearing up her one daughter on her own. This female is living with her parents. The parents of this female are not in the favour of taking divorce as this is a matter of insult for them. This female cant go to the court on her own as she is living in Pakistan n conditions of her city doesnt allow her to go to the court without support of her family. What is the status of her marriage now according to the shariah and what solution she can have to overcome such problem? She is willing to have divorce desperately.Jazak Allah.
Answer: She needs to refer her matter to a pious Aalim who should have authorisation from Marja of Taqleed, to solve her problem either to mediate between her and her husband or to convince him to divorce her. If the husband is not giving her her rights, then he should divorce her, and if he refuses and insists on not giving her rights and not divorcing her, the Haakim Shara or his attorney can divorce her and make free from injustice.

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