Pearl of Wisdom

'The person to experience the greatest punishment will be the man who recompenses good done unto him with evil.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 3217

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Question : #329 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: divorced woman conducting muta
Question: Can a divorced woman after months of her divorce ask a married man to fulfil her needs by entering into Muta marriage?
Your answer will be appreciated and May allah swt reward you for providing this service and keep us away from the accursed shaitan.
Answer: Divorced woman needs to pass her Iddah which is three menstrual periods, then she will be free to marry any Muslim, whether permanent or temporary marriage.
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But isn't it that women are not allowed to contract muta?
Follow Up Response
Male and females, are allowed to do so, however, it is permissible for male to contract mutah with females of ahlul kitab (the People of the Book).

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