Pearl of Wisdom

We have been given what people [in the past] were given as well as what they were not given, and we know what other people know as well as what they do not know. But we did not find anything better [in all of that] than fearing Allah in secret and in public, and moderation in times of wealth as well as poverty, speaking the truth both in [states of] pleasure and anger, and humility before Allah Almighty in every situation.'

Prophet Solomon [as]
al-Khisal, p. 241, no. 91

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Question : #323 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: types of discharge of the penis
Question: Hello - which kind of dicharge is mani?
Answer: Mani is the semen which is discharged in gushing either during sleep, or due to sexual act. Mani is Najis, and Ghusl Janabah is must on the person after Mani is discharged from him.

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