Pearl of Wisdom

'The fruit of [strong] intellect is amicableness with people. '

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 4629

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Question : #319 Category: Dress & Clothing
Subject: wearing white gold, allowed with Sistani?
Question: I have a book by Grand Ayatullah Seestani for muslims in the west. This book tells me it is permissible for me to wear white gold, I have then seen some answers on this website which say the opposite.
Has Ayatullah Seestanis fatwa on this matter changed? Or according to Ayatullah Seestani am I still able to wear white gold?

With duas Zuhair
Answer: Wearing white gold is not allowed for men because white gold is real gold mixed with other minerals which changes its colour only.
If the white gold means pure platinum then it is allowed to wear platinum, but usually white gold is not pure platinum and it is mixed with gold, hence it is not allowed for men.

It's best to check with the retailer and request the desired choice.

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