Pearl of Wisdom

'The invocation of blessings on me is a light on the Siraf.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. no. 2149

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Question : #317 Category: Music & Singing
Subject: means of entertainment according to Islam
Question: What can be the means of entertainment according to Islam?
Answer: Entertainment in Islam is recommended but it has to be within reasonable limits.

1. It should not be games of gambling. Even if there is no gambling involved, the games devised originally for gambling purposes cannot be played. For e.g. Chess, playing cards etc.

2. Entertainment should not consume too much of ones time because then a human beings most important asset "time" will be squandered in useless pursuits.

3. Entertainment should not include any haraam acts like songs, music, etc.

4. Entertainment should not lure a person away from performing his duties whether it is his "wajib (obligatory) acts," "Ibaadat" or his work, which he has to do for his livelihood. Even his studies should not be affected.

5. It is very important to entertain the body and the mind with the intention to be healthy, strong and active and be a successful person according to the orders of Allah and Ahlul-bayt (a.s.).
Follow Up
This book is a slick paper booklet of pdnragaopa. I did not find it to be any kind of reasonable guide to the Islamic religions. It explained nothing to me about a various Islamic sects such as Sunnie or Shi'ite.The first chapter purporting to provide evidence of the truths of Islam was illogical and superficial. Of course, the paragraph about the status of women in Islam is utterly ridiculous from what I have seen and read in various news media. Don't waste your money on this book as you will learn little or nothing about Islam from it.
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