Pearl of Wisdom

'The one who is infatuated with something, his eyes become blind and his heart becomes sick, such that he sees with unsound eyes and hears with deaf ears, his base desires having torn apart his reason and [love of] the world having killed his heart.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 109

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Question : #314 Category: Interfaith Dialogue
Subject: building non-Muslim places of worship in Arabia
Question: Recently i have been told that non muslims cannot live and build their places of worship in mecca and medina and why?
Answer: Non Muslims are not allowed to live in Mecca and Medina. Mecca and Medina are the holy headquarters of the Muslim Ummah and it the system of every nation to have their headquarters merely for them and for those who believe in their faith.

You as a Muslim are not allowed to build a Masjid inside the Vatican City or any headquarter of any other faith. This is the system of all human beings and Muslims are no exception.

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