Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily we have a holy sanctuary called Qum where a woman called Fatima from my descent will be buried. Entrance into Paradise will become mandatory for whoever visits her.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. p. 267, no. 5

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Question : #312 Category: Music & Singing
Subject: if it is then why is music haram?
Question: Salam Sheikh,
I'm tired of people saying that music is haram - could you please say WHY it's haram? if it is?
Answer: Listening to music which is used by sinners is a sin.

If you are in a place where music is played and you can not stop it, and can not leave the place, then you should not pay attention to it, till you can leave the place or stop the music.

Every act which is forbidden in Islam (Haraam), is forbidden because it is very harmful, as Allah (SWT) has conveyed to humans through the Prophet (SAWA). We might understand some extend of the harm, or we may do not know, but we remain believing that Allah is The All Knowing, The Most Merciful and The Most Wise, so, we follow what is been conveyed to us to avoid the damage in this life and the punishment hereafter.

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