Pearl of Wisdom

'The furthest a servant can be from Allah is when he associates in a brotherly manner with someone while at the same time making note of all his faults in order to one d ay reproach h . ?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 355, no. 7

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Question : #310 Category: The Hereafter
Subject: resurrection in metaphysical form?
Question: Do we believe that the resurrection of human beings in the Here-after world will be metaphysical in nature?
Answer: It is one of the fundamental beliefs of Muslims that human beings will be bodily resurrected in the Hereafter. The Quran clearly states: "What! Does man reckon We shall not gather his bones. Yes, indeed, We are able to shape again his fingers". In theory, science, too, considers the cloning of a living being from its residue a viable proposition.

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