Pearl of Wisdom

when he was debating with an atheist, said, 'If you say that there are two gods, then they are either in complete agreement on everything or completely separate in all aspects. But when we look at this orderly creation, the continuous orbits, the alternation of night and day, and the sun and the moon, the soundness of the situation and the organisation and sound management of it indicates that the Director [of all creation] is One.' Then if you still claim that there are two gods, then there must necessarily be some kind of difference between them for them to be two [and therefore distinct from each other], and this distinguishing characteristic between them is itself eternal like them, so you are forced to accept three such beings. And if you hold that there are indeed three, then you have to admit the same thing that we said for two such that they [the three] necessarily have two distinguishing characteristics between them [to differentiate them from each other] so then there are five [such eternal beings] altogether, and thus does the multiplication continue until infinity.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Tawhid, p. 243, no. 1

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Question : #301 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: anal intercourse question
Question: Salaam,
Are we allowed to have anal intercourse with the wife, and when is it no allowed at all?
Answer: Anal sex with your wife is forbidden when she is in her menses. When she is not in her menses and she agrees or wants that from you, then it is allolwed but it is considered Makrooh (disliked).
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the ministers were cnorecned about the end of the film in which Mr Wilders said he intended to tear out pages of the Qur'an and burn them in the fireplace. Is anyone prepared to wager a tidy sum that the Dutch parliament voiced even a minute fraction of the same outrage when Palestinian terrorists seized Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity and tore pages from the altar's Bible to wipe their @sses with?[crickets]Speaking as a devout agnostic, Europe's constant appeasement of Islam and knee-jerk condemnation of Christianity is wearing more than a little thin. Moreover, I have become increasingly cynical about how much of this is nothing more or less than a calculated attack upon all things white and male.Recent studies revealed the following US statistics:Chances of going to jail:Hispanics 2 in 3 or 66%Blacks 1 in 3 or 33%White ~1 in 5 or 17%Even more disturbing are the new findings that Latino grade school students in San Jose, CA view high achieving classmates as whitewashed . Calling them Mataditas dorks. Or Cerebritas brainiacs. Quite clearly, smart is mucho uncool. New findings show the following:Popularity as it Corresponds to GPA (Grade Point Average)Whites A Students most popularBlacks B Students most popularHispanics C Students most popularPeople who gathered the first set of criminal statistics pissed and moaned about how lack of edumahcation and poverty were responsible for the preponderance of minority crime.I'd love to hear how these bureaucrats reconcile this apparent Hispanic rejection of public education and the prediliction they exhibit for going to jail. Watching the mental backflips they'd have to perform would be worth the price of admission alone.I'd also love to see the same statistics for European Muslims and where they might fit into such charts. I am rather confident that numerous laws would prevent the gathering and publication of such data on the grounds of casting racial aspersions or some such balderdash.
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