Pearl of Wisdom

in his advice to Kumay l said, ?O Kumay l, in every race there are groups better than groups, so beware of debating with the vile of them, and if they insult you, then tolerate them, and be of those whom Allah has described in His verse: and when the ignorant address them, say, 'Peace!'.

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Basharat al-Mustafa, p. 26

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Question : #295 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: rule regarding Ghusal
Question: If a person is doing Ghusl-e-Janabat Irtimasi, must he say "I perform Ghusl-e-Janabat Irtimasi" in his Niyah? If not, is, saying "I perform Ghusl-e-Janabat" enough?
Answer: It is sufficient to intend getting nearness to Allah by getting Taharah. {Meaning, it is not necessary to mention your intention verbally. To pass it through your mind that you perform Ghusl-e Janabat is sufficient.

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