Pearl of Wisdom

was asked by Abu Ja'far regarding Allah's verse in the Qur'an: And He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth' to which he replied, 'Yes, similarly He is in every place.' I [Abu Ja'far] asked, 'In His essence?' Imam replied, 'Woe betide you! Verily places are subject to limits and boundaries, so by your saying that he is in a place in His essence, you are in fact compelled to say that he is contained in objects which are subject to measurement and size. He is, however, distinct from His creation, entirely encompassing what he creates in knowledge, power, control, authority and dominion.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Tawhid, p. 133, no. 15

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Question : #290 Category: Eid Festival
Subject: How to perform Eid prayers
Question: Salaam,

Can you please state how is Eid prayer is offered as i feel our Sheikh did it wrong.
Answer: Eid prayers has two Rak'ats. In the first Rak'at, a person should recite Surah al Hamd and a Surah and then they say five takbirs, and after every takbir he should recite qunut. After the fifth qunut, he should say another takbir and then perform Ruku and two Sajdah. He should then stand up and say four takbirs in the second Rak'at, and recite qunut after everyone of these takbirs. Thereafter, he should say the fifth takbir and then perform Ruku and two Sajdah. After the second Sajdah he should recite tashahhud, and then complete the prayers with Salam.

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