Pearl of Wisdom

Amali al-Tusi, from Musa b. Sa'id al-Rasibi, who 'When Jacob went to Joseph (AS), Joseph came out with a group of people to receive him. He went past the wife of the governor while she was worshipping in one of her rooms. When she saw him she recognised him and called out to him with a sad voice, ?O rider, how long you have rendered me sorrowful how good piety is indeed in how it frees slaves! And how bad sinning is indeed in how it enslaves the free!'

Amali al-Tusi
Amali al-Tusi, p. 457, no. 1021

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Question : #285 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: preventing pregnancy
Question: What is Grand Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa on the use of IUD and pills by a woman to prevent pregnancy?
Answer: It is permissible for a woman to use Intrauterine Devices (IUD) and other birth control devices provided that they do not pose serious harm to the womans health and that the insertion of the device does not involve a haram act, such as the male touching or looking at the private parts of the womans body that are forbidden for him to look at. Similarly, it should not involve the female looking at, and touching without gloves the private parts that are haram to touch or look at. Moreover, the IUD should not cause the abortion of the fertilized ovum after its implantation [in the womb].

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