Pearl of Wisdom

in his will to his son, al-Hasan (AS), 'Beware of being over possessive [of your wife] in a situation that does not necessitate it, for verily that will lead a wife of sound character from among them to become weak.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Firdaws, v. 3, p. 106, no. 4295. al-Dur al-Manthur, v. 4, p. 326

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Question : #280 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: Use of contraceptives in Islam
Question: Use of contraceptives is popular these days. If use of the pill and similar things causes harm or difficulty and the only remaining choice is (the insertion) of some devices by a male or a female doctor which requires exposing the local area, is it permissible for the woman, knowing that pregnancy would cause her harm or difficulty?
Answer: It is permissible as long as she faces, in both the pregnancy and the use of alternative contraceptive methods, such hardship and danger that cannot be normally endured. If this requires, in addition to exposing the genital organs, other parts of her body surrounding the genitalia, then she must refer to a female doctor. If this is not possible then she may refer to a male practitioner.

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