Pearl of Wisdom

'It is narrated in the scriptures of Prophet Enoch (AS) : There is no wealth with those who are not in need of Me, and there is no poverty for those who are in want of Me.?

Bihar al-Anwar
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 95, p. 462

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Question : #277 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: consuming ice-cream with alcohol
Question: My question is related to selling and consumption of ice-cream containing less than 0.5% ethanol type of alcohol. I purchased an ice-cream business and now I am finding out that some of the ice-cream syrup contains less than 0.5% ethanol type of alcohol. That syrup is then used to make ice-cream.

My question to you is: Can I (a Muslim) sell or eat this ice-cream made from syrup that contains less than 0.5% of ethanol type of alcohol?
Answer: If it is not intoxicating, there is no objection in it; you can buy and eat it.

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