Pearl of Wisdom

'It is possible for a medicine to be an ailment and an ailment to be a medicine.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Letter 31

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Question : #270 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: Permissible to work in Derivatives
Question: Is it Permissible to work in Derivatives?
Answer: Derivatives can involve selling what you do not own at all, which is not allowed in Islam.
If you sell with a promise to deliver after some time, then it is allowed.
Follow Up
Salam brother
In regards to the previous related question, is it allowed
for us to sell or known as (going short) foreign currency?

Follow Up Response
Buying and selling foreign currency, at market price and for more or for less, is in order meaning its permissible.

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