Pearl of Wisdom

'Whoever purifies himself [ablution] and then goes to his bed he will sleep and his bed will be like his mosque. So, if he remembers that he is not in a state of ablution, then he should perform dry ablution (tayammum) on his clothes, whatever it may be, and if he does so he will be [regarded as] continuously praying and remembering Allah Almighty.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 76, p. 182, no. 6

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Question : #256 Category: Medical Issues
Subject: terminating a birth, please help
Question: I am a pregnant woman. Considering that I am physically unfit and afraid of the adverse affect on my already existing anemia, dyspepsia and general weakness, I prefer to terminate my pregnancy. What is the sharī ruling concerning my problem?
Answer: To abort a fetus is not permissible and the mentioned things do not make abortion halal.

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