Pearl of Wisdom
'I witnessed 'Ali in Ruhba [Kufa] summoning out to the people: I summon before Allah whosoever heard the Prophet say on the Day of Ghadir Khum, 'For whosoever I am master, 'Ali is his master' to stand and bear witness. ['Abd al-Rahman said], 'Twelve men from Badr stood up, like as if I am looking at one of them [recollect them one by one], saying, 'We bear witness that we heard the Prophet (SAWA) say on the Day of Ghadir Khum: 'Do I not have more authority over the believers than their own selves...?' Then we said, 'Yes, O Messenger of Allah.' He then said, 'Then, for whosoever I am master, 'Ali is his master. O Allah befriend whoever befriends him and fight whoever fights him.'
Abd al-Rahman b. Abi Layla Ibid. v. 42, p. 207, no. 8683 Latest Answers
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