Pearl of Wisdom

'I was indeed looking at us all in the battle of Badr while we all sought refuge with the Prophet (SAWA) when he was the closest one from among us to the enemy, and he was the bravest of people on that day.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 29943

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Question : #241 Category: Death Issues
Subject: performing qadha prayers for the dead
Question: Is it obligatory on a man's eldest son to give the Qadha of his fast and prayers after his death?
Answer: If a person did not offer some of his obligatory prayers, and did not care to give qadha, in spite of being able to do so, after his death, it is upon his eldest son, as an obligatory precaution to perform those qadha, provided that the father did not leave them as a deliberate act of transgression. If the son cannot do so, he may hire someone to perform them. The qadha prayers of his mother is not obligatory upon him, though it is better if he performs them.

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