Pearl of Wisdom

'Three things cause weight gain and three others cause weight loss. As for those that cause weight gain excessive use of the bathhouse, smelling sweet fragrance and wearing soft clothing. And as for those that cause weight loss, they are: eating too many eggs, fish and unripe dates.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Khisal, p. 155, no. 194

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Question : #240 Category: Death Issues
Subject: autopsy in islam, allowed or not?
Question: In certain cases, some governmental agencies demand that autopsy be performed on the body of the deceased to establish the cause of death. When is it permissible to agree to their demand and when is it not?

Also when is an autospy allowed?
Answer: No heir of a deceased Muslim is allowed to give consent for autopsy to be carried out on the body of the deceased for the purpose mentioned above and other similar purposes; and it is necessary for him to prevent the autopsy if possible. Of course, if another important factor at play that of equal or more importance than this basic rule, it is permissible.

It is not permissible to perform autopsy on the body of a dead Muslim for the sake of education and other purposes. It is only permissible, if the life of another Muslim depends on it—even if it is sometime in the future.

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