Pearl of Wisdom

?Migration stands at its original position. Allah has no need of him who secretly accepts belief or him who openly does so. Migration will not apply to anyone unless he recognises the proof [of Allah - an Imam] on the earth. Whoever recognises him and acknowledges him is a migrant. The title 'weak' does not apply to him whom the proof [of Allah] has reached, and he hears it and his heart comprehends it.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Sermon 189

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Question : #222 Category: Music & Singing
Subject: reciting salaams with music
Question: Some people recite salaams on the tune of some songs. Is it haram or halal ?
Answer: If the recitation is not in a Lahvi manner, it is not haram. (Lahvi means something that is provocative and suitable for revelry).

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