Pearl of Wisdom

A man passed by the Prophet (SAWA) while he was sitting with his companions. One of them mentioned that he had gone mad. The Prophet (SAWA) replied, 'This man is , in fact, afflicted, since truly one who is mad, be he male or female, is one who has squandered his youth in other than Allah's obedience.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. p. 294 no. 898

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Question : #214 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: abortion for a pregnant with AIDS
Question: What is the ruling on abortion for a pregnant woman who is infected with AIDS?
Answer: It is not permissible, more so after the soul has entered the feotus. Of course, if continuation of the pregnancy poses a danger to the mother, it is permissible for her to abort it before the entering of the soul in the feotus, but not after it.

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