Pearl of Wisdom

'The believer sees his sin as a big boulder which he fears may fall on him, while the disbeliever sees his sin as a fly that has brushed past him.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 527, no. 1162

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Question : #202 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: bad dreams about my husband
Question: I have been having these dreams that my husband is cheating on me, i have seen him do something with another women in my dream once and on multiple different dreams it's a constantly reminder of there is another women in the dream and he always explains it to be its co-worker”etc. Please advise me on what to do because its starting to ruin my life.
Answer: Hope this finds you well.
You should first seek assistance from Allah (SWT) and request intercession and inner peace with your thoughts.

It's critical that we try our best through our faith to prevent the whispers of Shaytan into our thoughts, as its narrated both in the Holy Quran and Hadiths that Shaytan wishes to cause division between man and wife.

Seek council through your local Sheikh or contact your Marja office if the issue has tangible evidence behind it, as accusing one with such a crime without evidence is a sin on its own.

Continue to remain steadfast in your devotion to Allah, and pray that these thoughts are removed from your mind.

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