Pearl of Wisdom

'If someone makes himself become renown for worshipping, you should doubt his religion, as Allah the Exalted dislikes fame in worshiping and fame in dressing.'

Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 70, p. 252, no. 5

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Question : #195 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: What is meant by the following fatwa?
Question: Salam,

What is meant by the following fatwa?

2434. A woman with whom temporary marriage is contracted, is not entitled to share the conjugal bed of her husband

What defines a conjugal bed?
Can he/she sleep over at ones house in the same bed?
Answer: Bismillah

Salaam Alaikum. Unfortunately, sometimes the fatawa aren't translated or explained appropriately.
This fatwa is referring to a certain right which a permanent wife is entitled to which a temporary wife isn't entitled to. However, it isn't related to the permissibility of sharing a bed. It is most definitely permissible to share one's bed with one's temporary wife.
The right which is discussed in this fatwa is related to the right a wife has over her husband to have to spend a night with her every few nights. Many of the jurists have discussed this right in the context of polygamy. If one who has more than one permanent wife spends a night with one of his wives, the other wife(s) has the right to spend a night with the husband which means he is obligated to spend a night within the next 4 nights with her.
What this ruling says is that if a man with more than one wife has a temporary wife as well, spending a night with one of the permanent wives will not obligate him to spend a night with his temporary wife and so she isn't entitled to demand this based on a right, since she doesn't have this right.

Fee Amanillah

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