Pearl of Wisdom

'He who abandons listening to intellectual people, his own intellect dies.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kanz al-Fawa'id, v. 1, p. 199

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Question : #174 Category: The Hereafter
Subject: levels of paradise
Question: As-salaam mulaikum. Although it is logical to believe that there will be different levels in paradise but can you still give me some evidence from the book of Allah or the narration.
Answer: The levels of Heaven represent closeness to God; the higher the level the closer to the understanding of Allah. Some narrations suggest they are
1. Darul Salaam (The Abode of Peace)
2. Darul Qarrar (Abode of Constancy)
3. Darul Khuld (Abode of Eternity)
4. Jannatul Mawaa (The Sheltering Garden)
5. Jannatul Naeem (The Garden of Beauty)
6. Jannat Aden (The Garden of Eden)
7. Jannatul Firdous (The Garden of Happiness)

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