Pearl of Wisdom

'The grave speaks every day. It says: I am the house of loneliness, I am the house of gloom, I am the house of worms, I am the grave, I am a garden of the gardens of Heaven, or a hole from among the holes of Hell.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 3, p. 242, no. 2

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Question : #168 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: halal and haram fish
Question: Salam,
What's the ruling behind halal and haram fish?
What type of fish can we eat?
Answer: It is not permissible to eat from marine animals anything except fish that has scale.

For instance, shrimp is considered from that category [of permissible sea animals]. But other than fish, like lobster, and similarly the fish that does not have scale is forbidden.
Follow Up
So which fishes are allowed to be consumed? What is the rule behind it?
Follow Up Response
The rule is that if a fish has scales and is caught alive, you can eat the fish. You are probably a better judge in identifying which fish is allowed and which is not.

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