Pearl of Wisdom

addressing a man who talked too much, said: ?O Man, you underestimate and belittle speech! Know that when Allah the Glorious and Exalted sent His prophets He did not send them with gold and silver but with speech. God, the Exalted, presented Himself to His creatures through speech, proofs and signs referring to him.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
al-Kafi, v. 8, p. 148, no. 128

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Question : #149 Category: Marriage - Muta'
Subject: fathers objection to marriage
Question: If a girl KNOWS that her father will say "no" to temporary marriage, for no good reason, is it still required to ask for his permission?
Answer: If the girl is a is virgin and rashida (one who can manage her money accounts and is independent from her fathers sustenance) then the major Marjas say as an obligatory precaution she must obtain the fathers permission, however some scholars say permission is not required. So if you face an obligatory precaution you have a few options

1) take the precaution
2) follow another scholar who doesnt have precaution

Further, if the father rejects the suitable man for unreasonable grounds then he is classified under "Uthool" and if that happens then his permission is not required because his authority is null (this is the common verdict of most scholars and Marjas).

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