Pearl of Wisdom

when asked by a man about destiny said, '[It is ] a deep sea, so do not delve into it. The man asked, ?O Commander of the Faithful, inform us about destiny.' The Imam said, 'It is the secret of Allah, so do not trouble yourself with it.' The man then asked [again], ?O Commander of the Faithful, inform us about destiny.' The Imam said, 'Seeing as you are refusing [and insisting], it is a matter between two extremes -neither predestination nor absolute free will.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 1567

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Question : #145 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: false eyelashes in islam
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum,

Is false eyelash extensions prohibited?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

If it is considered beautification (zinah) then it must be covered from namahrams.
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But It is normal these days for a woman to put on mascara and make-up, wear rings, necklaces and bracelets for beauty and then go out in front of people in the markets and streets.
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