Pearl of Wisdom

'When Allah blesses His servant with bounties and it is manifest about him, he is called the beloved of Allah and a proclaimer of Allah's bounties, and when Allah blesses a servant with bounties and he does not show it, he is called the despiser of Allah and a denier of Allah's bounties.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. v. 6, p. 438, no. 2

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Question : #1448 Category: Zakaat & Khums
Subject: Zakaat
Question: According to shariah who is the person on whom it is obligatory to pay Zakaat to 8 heads of Zakaat (Mustahiqeen of Zakaat)? I mean who is illegible to give Zakaat to the 8 heads of Zakaat?

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