Pearl of Wisdom

'Joseph was given a good share ofbeauty.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 32400

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Question : #1440 Category: Music & Singing
Subject: Music
Question: Which kind of music is permitted/allowable to be listened to in shariah? Few days earlier I asked a question about music to some scholars, in its reply they said that some type of music is lawful while the other is unlawful! So which is lawful and which is unlawful? They also said that the music which is suited for the gatherings of amusement and entertainment is unlawful, what do they meant by that? Do they mean that the music which is played and listened to now a days is unlawful, and the music which was played in old times (romantic/classical music) is lawfull, though there were some fast songs in old times too! Please elaborate all this with examples!

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