Pearl of Wisdom

'The worth of a man with respect to his religion is measured by his diligence to keeping up his daily prayers [at their specific times].'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 2, p. 122

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Question : #133 Category: Imam Mahdi
Subject: Imam Mahdi enquiry
Question: salam
In regards to the 12th Imam Zaman Al-Mahdi (as), can you please explain Azeera and Tawqee. This is the communication between a person and the Imam.
Apparently, some answers from the Imam have been collected and recorded in a book called Kalimatul-Mahdi.

Are these answers valid and really are from the Imam?
Please see the link below which shows the questions people have asked and the answers they got from Imam Mahdi (as).
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

Azeera is a method of supplication where one writes down his needs addressed to Imam Mahdi (a) and then places then in water or other methods described. Then, if Allah desires, our needs will be taken care of. This method of supplication is mentioned in Mafatih al-Jinan.

Tawqee are written answers of the Imam to letters that were sent to him during his minor occultation. The validity of each one of these letters must be ascertained through the sciences of hadith and rijal. One cannot consider them valid or invalid merely because they are found in a certain book.

Fi amanillah
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