Pearl of Wisdom

'On the Day of Resurrection, I will surely intercede for anyone who harbours even a fly's wing's worth of faith in his heart.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. no. 39043

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Question : #129 Category: Imam Mahdi
Subject: Imam Mahdi and his family
Question: Does our final Imam currently have a wife and children and where does he reside?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

There is a difference of opinion regarding whether or not the Imam has a wife and children. The prominent view is that it is unknown whether or not he does. There is a fringe opinion amongst the scholars which states that he does have a wife and progeny.

I do not know where he resides. If I knew I would be there insha'Allah.

Fi amanillah

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