Pearl of Wisdom

'Practice the various trades, for there is in them independence for you from what is in the hands of others, and indeed Allah loves the one gainfully engaged in a profession.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Wasa'il al-Shi'a, v. 12, p. 4, no. 6

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Question : #125 Category: Zakaat & Khums
Subject: how to pay khums?
Question: I have not payed any khums in my life, but I wish to do so now and repay the overdue amount.

What's do I have to do now, how can i determine how much I need to pay, or can I just pay one large amount to ensure its all repaid?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

Insha'Allah all is well. I commended you for this decision. For issues like this you need to contact the office of your marja' and discuss the situation with them in detail. They will make a plan for you to pay back your back khums.

Fi amanillah

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