Pearl of Wisdom

was asked by 'Abd al-Muinin al-Ansari, 'Verily some people narrated from the Prophet (SAWA) that he said, The separation of my community is a mercy and they were truthful, so I ask that if their separation is a mercy then is their congregation a chastisement?', to which the Imam replied, 'It is not as you understand it nor as they understood it, actually he meant the saying of Allah, But why should not there go forth a group from each of their sections ... so He commanded them to go forth to the Prophet (SAWA) and to frequent him and learn from him then to return to their people and teach them, so what is meant is [physical] separation from their cities, not separation or difference with regards to the religion of Allah, for verily the religion of Allah is one.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ma 'dni al-Akhbar, p. 157, no. 1

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Question : #1195 Category: Youth Issues
Subject: Scalp Micropigmentation tattoo
Question: Aslam O Alekum,

I got a hair transplant 3 years ago and it did turn out so great. I had done my research and asked my beloved Sheikh's for their opinion to go through with it.

However, now when I want to shave my head there is a scar at the back of my head that bothers me if i shave it.
I want to get married and i would like to ask if micro pigmentation is permissible? Just for the scar to make my scalp look normal. I do not want to enhance my looks but rather correct something that's deformed.

Please Advise.

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