Pearl of Wisdom

in his description of evil scholars, said, 'They cause more harm to the weak ones from among our Shi'a than the army of Yazid did to Husayn b. 'Ali (AS) and his companions, for they snatched away their lives and their property, whereas these evil scholars... enter doubt and obscurity into the weak ones from among our Shi'a and lead them astray.'

Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Askari [as]
al-Ihtijaj, v. 2, p. 512, no. 337

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Question : #119 Category: Music & Singing
Subject: listening to music, Sistani?
Question: Whats the ruling to listen to music according to Grand Ayatollah Sistani's fatwas?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

The following is quoted from Ayatollah Sistani's website. One can refer to it to read more about the issue:

All songs (al-ghinã’) are harãm. Based on the definition that we accept, al-ghinã’ is the entertaining expression by way of tunes that are common to those who provide entertainment and amusement.


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