Pearl of Wisdom

'There are three tempting trials: beautiful hair, a beautiful face, and a beautiful voice.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 44129

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Question : #1186 Category: Zakaat & Khums
Subject: how is khums
Question: Salaam un alaikum

I have been trying to know how to calculate khums but I don't know how to do that.
I give you an example and please do let me know and I will find it myself.

salary= 20000

room rent=2000
food in month= 7000

lets suppose I purchased some clothes of Rs 3000

Now let me know how much I should pay the khums of the month.

Thanks and Regards
Fahim Abbas

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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