Pearl of Wisdom

'Worshippers are of three types: people who worship Allah, Mighty and Exalted, out of fear, and that is the worship of a slave; people who worship Allah, Blessed and most High, seeking to be rewarded thereof, and that is the worship of an employee; and people who worship Allah, Mighty and Exalted, out of love for Him, and that is the worship of free men and is the best type of worship.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 84, no. 5

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Question : #1172 Category: Islamic History
Subject: BIhar Al-Anwar
Question: Hi,

I was wondering if you may please let me know which Bihar Al-Anwar book you are referencing in the "4o hadiths of Ramadan?" Who is the publisher and what is the year of publication? Please reply back, thanks very much.


Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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